We meet again

We meet again


WordPress, we meet again. What’s it been, 6months? Maybe more. I remember being such a good blogger. Connecting with you all, updating you… and then life got in the way. I’m turning over a new leaf and I’d like to get back to blogging. Get back to all you guys that supported me since my miscarriage 6 years ago. 6 years.. how did that happen?

So, for those that are new to my blog or aren’t familiar with me, I’m going to cram 6 years of miscarriages and trying to conceive in to just 2 or 3 sentences. Seems doable right?

I lost my first baby at 19 and truth be told, it’s almost like it didn’t register. It’s still a total blur to me. I got married in 2015, went to Cuba on honeymoon and lost my first baby with my husband at 12 weeks pregnant. 6 years later, I’ve now lost 9 babies. Including twins (one natural miscarriage, 1 ectopic).

After falling naturally for a few years, I suddenly stopped being able to conceive. I was accepted for IVF a few years ago (some of my losses have been during this time). I’ve finished my first “round” , and I’m due to start my second some time this year – hopefully soon although I guess it depends on bloody covid. Everything seems to be moving a little slower these days.

After losing my twins, I decided to try turn my experiences in to something more positive so I created NellyBoxes. These are self care boxes for men and women who have experienced baby loss, and I donate them to hospitals around my area. You can buy the boxes, regular pamper ‘me-time’ boxes, meditation bags, and individual products from my Etsy store. Everything raised goes to funding the free boxes

So, that’s me – that’s my story for now. You’ll meet me again later. I will be a better blogger. 😊

(That also definitely wasn’t 2 or 3 sentences)

1in4 1in10 1in100 assisted conception Author awareness baby loss babyloss babylossawareness blog blogger butterfly awards chemical miscarriage early miscarriage ectopic pregnancy egg transfer family fertility fet frozen cycle frozen embryo grief grief and loss healthcare hope infertility IVF IVFers loss love media mindfulness miscarriage miscarriage association miscarriage awareness NHS ovulation pregnancy recurrent miscarriage recurrentmiscarriage scotland support trying to conceive ttc tww