Vote For Me!

Vote For Me!

Voting has now opened for The Butterfly Awards. I would love if you guys could click on the link to register your vote. It only takes 2 seconds and it would mean the absolute world to me!

You can also click the link below to read about all the other wonderful women who have nominated! (Side note: Where’s all the dad bloggers? We gotta get our husband’s on board ladies!)

Thank you ♥️♥️

From blogger to vlogger

From blogger to vlogger

I uploaded my first video to YouTube today.

I should probably tell you that I’m crippled by self doubt and constantly notice my own flaws and imperfections so this was a huge step for me. I felt like I wanted to do more and open myself up a little bit and give people a true insight in to IVF.

I’m hoping to show the ups and downs, the injections, the side effects – everything really (within reason of course – there won’t be any internal scans going on there!)

One of the other reasons I did it is because I’ve reached out to a few people to ask them to send me video clips of them saying how my blog helped them or inspired them or even got them through one bad day. I felt like it’d be pretty crappy of me to ask something like that when I haven’t been able to put my face out there yet.

Which brings me to my next point – if anyone’s reading this and thinks I’ve helped them a little along the way, would you be willing to say so in a short 20sec video clip? I’m making a video as part of my Butterfly Award campaign and I think it would be amazing to feature some of you guys in it. Please, please let me know if you’d be willing to help. You have no idea how much I’d appreciate it.

Please check it out (and don’t judge – I swear they’ll get better when I figure out how to add music/text/snazzy little pictures)






Certificate ABI


I woke up this morning to the email confirming I had been shortlisted for the Author/blogger category of the Butterfly Awards and I haven’t been able to wipe the smile off my face since!

I’ve never been great at accepting compliments of receiving praise. I’m not sure if it’s a Scottish/British thing, a woman thing, or just a me thing. But this is different. I feel so proud of myself because I’m nominated for speaking out about miscarriage – for raising awareness and for showing women (and men) that they are not going through those terrible times alone.

I started this blog as more of a diary to be honest. I never once thought people would read it, let alone comment and follow. It sounds cliched but I would never have been shortlisted if it wasn’t for all of you. The people that read my blog and take the time to comment and pick me up when I’m low, or think positive for me when I don’t have the strength to do it myself. If it wasn’t for this blog – and all of you – I wouldn’t be where I am today. It’s saved me from venturing into some dark corners when in reality – it would’ve been the easy option. Everything you read in this blog is complete, unadulterated honesty and I’ll continue to do that because the more we speak about it, the less taboo it becomes.

So from the bottom of my heart, thank you to all of you who stop by my page. I’ll continue to blog and speak about my ups and downs of miscarriage and I.V.F in the hope that it saves even just one person from feeling alone. I know that’s what I needed when I started this (and what I still continue to need at times).

(Ok so this post was cheesier than a day at the stilton factory but I just couldn’t help myself.)

**If you want to read more about the awards – or even buy a ticket – check out the website here:

Butterfly Awards

Butterfly Awards



I can’t believe I never mentioned this before. I guess my heads been in the clouds a little.

Anyway, around 2 months ago I received a notification that Hubby had nominated me for a ‘Butterfly Award’. They – amongst other things – recognise people that bring awareness to miscarriage or baby loss via blogs/books/social media/making keepsakes/etc. I’m nominated under the blogger category.

I know that my blog is pretty tiny in comparison to some – I have around 150 followers – but my husband knows how much the blog means to me. If I’ve ever had a bad day he always says to me “You should blog. It helps you”. And he’s right. It always does, and I hope it helps other people too.

If anyone is interested – you can attend the Butterfly Awards ceremony without being nominated/shortlisted. Just pop over to their facebook or website and you can purchase tickets. You can also sponsor or donate there too.