Coming Home

Coming Home


I arrived home yesterday from my anniversary trip to Paris. 1 year married, how did that happen? 

I’m still not pregnant  – I know this because I got my period 3 days early while we were away. I’m gutted, BUT – and this is huge for me – I didn’t cry!  It’s the first month that I haven’t cried so it’s a mini victory I guess. I’ll take ’em where I can get ’em at this point. 

Paris was nice. You might have been expecting more, but you won’t get it from me. ‘Nice’ is what I’m sticking with. 

Disneyland was bloody brilliant. The child in me loved it. ‘Ha! The child in me’. How ironic


8 thoughts on “Coming Home

  1. Great to hear you had a good time, and are feeling ok. I’m still keeping everything crossed for you, but I’m happy to hear that you’re in a better place for now. Red wine and rare steak sounds absolutely divine by the way! Xx

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      1. Yeah but knowing that the bad days will come and also go, is important. Being able to enjoy the good days is a huge thing so I think you should be proud of yourself. 🙂 yeah all good here thanks, getting a bit anxious about my appointment next week but to be honest I get anxious before every appointment so that’s nothing new!

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  2. I can relate to that. I have not been able to conceive at all since my last miscarriage 9 months ago. I’m am also trying to focus on the positive side of not being pregnant but it does get to me. You will get your miracle!!!! ☺ On a lighter note the red wine sure does sound wonderful!!! I have been definitely wanting some! 🍷


    1. Oh its SO hard to focus on the positives when all u recall want is to to be pregnant and be a mum… but if I didn’t, I’d be bloody miserable 24/7 and I cant be like that. There are a LOT of good things in my life and I’m happy for them 🙂

      I try not drink too much during the month so the occasional red wine is fine..and delicious haha 🙂

      Good luck on ur baby making journey too 🙂


      1. Thank you! I haven’t had any type of drink including wine in over a year my doctor advised against it. So I’m looking forward to the day I get to have a glass lol. Despite all of the rough I’m so happy for you that you have a lot of good things going in your life that definitely makes a difference! And enjoy your glass of wine!!! 😊


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